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The Fine Art of Forgetting (2013)

Ever since being introduced to Mr. Bungle's California by my friends Dave & Alex in 2009, I had been thinking it would be fun to attempt the same difficult task of weaving together disparate styles in a single song while cultivating intuitive logic therein.


A couple months after my first CA-inspired pop experiments in Psychopomp, CA, I spent a few invigorating weeks at the Bang on a Can Summer Festival at Mass MOCA.  I decided that would be a perfect opportunity to try the Bungle approach.  The faculty and fellows were very supportive.  I wasn't able to conjure the magic of the Mr. Bungle album, but I did make something that was fun to perform and inspired some future ideas. The above recording is live at the premiere with myself and fellow attendees.  Unfortunately it does not capture all the instruments well.


I wondered if such music toyed with our memory as listeners.  Thus, the title references the possibilty of crafting a structure of memory and forgetting.  That must be why I forgot the words at one point in the premiere.


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